All August info packets have been sent. If you believe you should have received one, check your spam and junk mail folders. If it's not there, email us at: remsenbarnfota@gmail.com
Our Jurying and Invitation Process
1. All vendors must submit the Jury Application by the application deadline, January 15, with the $15 jury fee enclosed, to be considered for the next Barn FOTA.
2. Vendors who are selected by the jurying committee to be accepted to the next Barn FOTA will be contacted in the spring (typically mid-March).
3. Accepted vendors must submit the Registration Form (which is included in the acceptance communication) in June, with the registration fee for their booth type enclosed, to secure their place at the next Barn FOTA.
Additional Notes
This is an outdoor show
Wind, rain, and uneven ground can be problematic - please plan accordingly
Failure to comply with any Barn FOTA rules may result in your exclusion from future events
Decisions of the jurying committee are final and inquiries questioning or disputing the juror's decisions can not be answered. Please note, due to a significantly high volume of applications and a strong push for new and different items, there will be some rotation out of previous vendors, and not all applicants are able to be accepted or placed on the standby list.
Event Setup
The assigned setup times for vendors will be included in the August mailing. Friday setups are staggered from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
For those who can't make it for the Friday time slots, call for prior approval to set up Saturday morning from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM. There will be volunteers checking people in at the north end of Main Street during that time.
During event setup times, Main St. will be open for SOUTHBOUND TRAFFIC ONLY. Exhibitors should arrive via Pritchard Rd. or North Main St. in order to travel south to their booth space after check-in at the north end of Main St. This traffic pattern will be in effect Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Saturday 6:30 AM - 8:45 AM, and Sunday 6:30 AM - 8:45 AM.
Traffic patterns during festival hours are described here.
At the conclusion of the festival (Sunday 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM), Main St. will be open for NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC ONLY.
Arts & Crafts Exhibits will be judged during Barn FOTA weekend and winners will be selected for the following prizes:
Overall "Erin Hamlin Best of Show": Ribbon and $250 cash award
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Prizes: Ribbon and $200, $175, and $150 cash award, respectively (awarded for each exhibit category - ACA, ACB, ACC)
"Award of Excellence" Ribbons (up to 18 awarded as judges see fit)